Students of the Month

Student Resources
Basic Math Facts
- Just for Fun Suessville
- Shape Surveyor area and perimeter problems- challenge!
- Measure It! measure in cm and inches
- Change Maker making change practice
- Matching the Time more challenging concentration game
- What's the Point coordinate graphing
- Create a Graph create your own printable graphs!
- Guess the Number use the clues to guess the secret number
- Place Value Game Can you make the largest number? Use strategy!
- Place Value Puzzler place value and rounding practice
- Prongo Addition Baseball addition game for basic facts, 2 and 3 digit practice
- Two Player Addition Game play the game with a friend
- SuperKids Math Worksheet create printable worksheets
- Tic Tac Toe online game- all operations and levels
- Math Baseball online game- all operations and levels
Language Arts
Phonics/ Spelling
- CBeebies Story Circle BBC Children's Site
- Children’s Storybooks Online
- I’m Reading! at Starfall Several online books including folktales, plays, Greek myths, Chinese fables and more!
- Compound Words Match the words to create a compound word
- Grammar Gorillas Parts of Speech practice
Science/Social Studies
Science/Social Studies/Language Arts
OAS Language/Spelling
- Word Confusion (a homophone game)
- Homonym Madness
- Homonym Game
- Awesome Antonyms Match Up
- Super Synonyms Match Up
- Polar Express (Comprehension)
- Reading Zone (Comprehension)
- Dolphins (Comprehension)
- Elephants (Comprehension)
- Spelling City (Spelling)
- Spell Check (Spelling)
- Spellaroo (Spelling)
- Adjectives to Adverbs (Grammar)
- Multiple Meanings (Vocabulary)
- Fact or Opinion (Language) (Quiz)
OAS Writing/Math
- Dare to Compare
- Rounding Match Game
- Rounding Concentration Game
- Rounding Flashcards
- Manipulatives
- How long is it?
- Measuring Activity Using Inches (to the 1/8)
- Measuring Activity Using Inches (to the 1/4)
- Coins For Change
- Change From a Purchase
- Addition of Money
- U.S. Mint Games (Money)
- Long Division Lesson
- Math Goodies (Mult./Division)
- Math Playground
- Math Baseball Add./Sub.
- Cool Math For Kids (Add./Sub.)
- Sense You Asked! (a cooperative writing activity)
- Pizazz! (writing chain stories)
- Find a Rhyming Word!
- Description Detective (Wiring)
- What Makes a Good Story? (Writing)
Math/Language Arts
Science/Social Studies
Great Reading Books On-line
- Fact or Opinion (Quiz)
- Syllabication
- Adjectives to Adverbs
- Spellaroo
- Spell Check
- Spelling City
- Spelling Ship
- Elephants
- Dolphins
- RHL School Reading Comprehension
- Story Place
- Roald Dahl
- Booktalks
- Homonym Madness
- Super Synonyms Match Up
- Awesome Antonyms Match Up
- Homonym Game
- Eye on Idioms
- Explorer Battleship
- Native Americans for Kids
- Jamestown Online Adventure
- Virtual Jamestown
- John Smith's Voyages of Exploration
- Jamestown Fort
- Civil War and Revolution
- Gunpowder Plot Game
- Revolutionary War Quiz
- The National Archives
- American Revolution Timeline
- American
- Find your Longitude
- TerraFly
- Map Skills
- Landforms
- Continents
- Regions
- Description Detective
- Decimals Jeopardy Play with 1 or 2 people
- Finding Place Values of Decimals
- Addition of Decimals
- Subtraction of Decimals
- Place Value of Decimals
- Decimal Games
- Place Value Game
- U.S. Mint Games
- Addition of Money
- Change From a Purchase
- Coins For Change
- Change Maker
- Coolmath4kids
- Measuring Activity Using Inches (to the 1/4)
- Measuring Activity Using Inches (to the 1/8)
- Measure It!
- Funbrain
- Rounding Flashcards
- Estimating to the Nearest Thousand
Bullying Announcement
Say no to Bullying
Norman Park School is committed to providing all students with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect. In accordance with federal, state, and local policies, procedures and practices, Norman Park School expressly prohibits the bullying, harassment or intimidation of any person, by any means or method, which occurs on school property, on school vehicles, at designated school bus stops, or at school related functions or activities, or by use of data or software that is accessed through a computer, computer system, computer network, or other electronic technology of a local school system. Students who witness bullying or who are victims of bullying behaviors should make a report to a teacher or school administrator so that an appropriate investigation can take place. If, after an investigation, a student is found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct bullying policy, the student shall be disciplined by appropriate measures up to, and including, suspension and expulsion. Retaliation following a report of bullying is strictly prohibited and may result in strong disciplinary action.
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